Nice and sunny in Hyde Park this afternoon for the World Naked Bike Ride. There were 1100 cyclists in various states of undress, so the coppers on duty told me with a rather weary smile.
As they assembled in the park, the fleshy fietsers were vastly outnumbered by scrums of tourists and passers-by taking snaps.
Let's hope they have digital cameras and not traditional film that needs processing, as many laboratories are a bit touchy about this sort of thing these days.

Of course, you can't help surreptitiously glancing round and sizing up other people's equipment. There's all shapes and sizes on display, but you come away with the reassuring thought that yes, actually, your bike frame is about right for your height.
Mine is too small. I keep trying to raise the saddle to compensate for the small frame, but it doesn't want to stay up.
ReplyDeleteOooh, err.
Hehe. I saw the two gold men too. I've never seen so many naked people in my life.
ReplyDeleteWhatever floats your boat I suppose.
Was funny when over Westminster Bridge, large group of Brownies were also crossing at the same time...oh the poor kids didn't know which way to look.