05 September 2010

Better shred than dead

We had a ton of stuff to shred the other day - several panniers' worth - and took advantage of a cycle-through security shredders in Greenwich. For peace of mind we could drop the blade-fodder ourselves directly onto the conveyor.

It comes out the other side mashed up into postage-stamp sized pieces. They in turn are trussed up into bales together with similar scraps of confidential confetti in a variety of languages.

Most seemed to be tantalising fragments of text in Cyrillic and Arabic. All very exciting; it could be the setting for a Bond movie fight scene.

Appropriately the entrance gates, in the industrial estate by the Blackwall Tunnel, had shredded fragments of text too.

1 comment:

  1. I'm concerned about my Security Shredding as I have a lot of sensitive and confidential documents that need to be destroyed and really should get on top of it. On another note I think the sign is very interesting!
