10 March 2010

Shining example of bad design on Cromer St

This is Cromer St, part of a bike route south of Kings Cross station. It's been carefully designed to stop cars using it, by the insertion of a bollard; to stop motorcyclists using it, by the insertion of jagged flagstones; and to stop cyclists using it, by the insertion of a parking space right at the end.

(Yet again, by astonishing coincidence, the number plate is appropriate... see also here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.)

This is actually a rare view of the facility without a car parked right on top of it - where the bicycle symbol is. Google's Street View shows it as it normally appears, with a car loading up on toilet rolls and 2-for-1 party packs of Mars bars from the shop to the side. Good to see that some businesses are weathering the recession.


  1. The Google Street View pictures imply that cyclists can't use the route anyway because of the no entry sign. Perhaps it should have an "except for cyclists" board, if only the DfT allowed such madness.

    A flying motorbike would probably work best.

  2. Thankfully 'Except Cycles' is now permitted, at least experimentally. And many councils have been using them anyway.

  3. Indeed - I featured some of the new 'Except Cycles' contraflows in a couple of recent posts, on streets in Kensington and Chelsea, and in the City.

  4. To be fair to the cycle lane planner, that's not a parking space just beyond the bollards. Unless my eyes fail me, there's a single yellow line where Honda is parked, so it surely must have been loading at the time of the photo - perhaps delivering some interesting new numberplates to a local garage.

  5. But why should cyclists have to deviate to the left anyway? Planners should obviously provide the straight-ahead route (and keep it clear of stationary cars).

  6. From the other side (see StreetView) there's a camera sign underneath the no entry sign. Are they really checking for people flouting the no-entry?!
