The mayor, Boris Johnson, has just set out his
transport vision for London. "The Transport Strategy is a key part of a strategic policy framework to support and shape London's social and economic development over the next 20 years", it says here.
Here are the bits that mention bikes:
Page 3: "the pace of life can suddenly slow from one street to the next... children can grow up in safety... people can be
seen walking or cycling with no purpose other than enjoyment"
Page 4: "I want to create a cycling revolution and to make walking count – not only to help reduce congestion and carbon dioxide emissions, but also to improve the health of Londoners... I also want London to lead the world in new green technology – from electric vehicles to a new low
carbon bus and bike hire scheme"
Page 17: "Congestion on London’s roads is a huge hindrance to businesses, costing about £2bn each year. The
Mayor will implement a package of measures to smooth traffic flow and, in particular, achieve more reliable journey times. These include improved traffic control, minimising the impact of planned and unplanned events (such as roadworks and collisions)"
Page 18: "Well-designed public spaces can provide attractive places to spend time and can also support walking and cycling"
Page 19: "The uptake of physically active modes of transport will be promoted through information campaigns, travel planning, training and improved infrastructure such as cycle hire schemes, Cycle Superhighways, cycle parking provision, key walking routes and consistent wayfinding (such as Legible London). In addition, new developments will be planned in a way to increase the attractiveness of walking and cycling."
Page 20: "The Mayor recognises that feeling safe while cycling, walking, or using public transport is a very important part of the journey experience"
Page 21: "The strategy will therefore promote better balanced streets and an improved urban realm to make the roads physically safer, particularly for vulnerable users such as pedestrians and cyclists... In addition, the strategy will seek to create a culture of mutual respect, where all road users show consideration for each other"
Page 22: "Fear of crime and antisocial behaviour in deprived areas can dissuade people from walking, cycling or using public transport. The strategy therefore promotes measures to... improve the urban realm..."
Page 24: "Encouraging walking, cycling and public transport use together with smarter travel initiatives for people and goods will further reduce the environmental impact of transport in London"
Well, erm, let's hope so. Changing the subject completely, above is a picture of Wellington Arch: something that London's cyclists go through every day. Impressive, eh?