17 February 2010

Lack of bike parking in Shard-like towers? No problem

London's provision of bike parking - both onstreet and in residential housing - is pretty bad.

Richard Peace pointed out in a recent BikeRadar article that the Shard, the showpiece tower currently under construction near London Bridge, will provide a pathetic 250 bike spaces for its 6,500 inhabitants.

No doubt, at its planned height of over a thousand feet, the Shard is just too tall and thin for conventional cycle parking. So maybe an innovative solution is called for: the residents could change their model of bike to suit the shape of the space available, like the cyclist here.


  1. Perhaps they need one of those Japanese vertical cycle bike tree parking systems up the middle of the building. See You Tube: Bike Tree - cycle parking Japanese style.


  2. I have been interested in this show piece building since its inception in the late 90's. I have not been to London Bridge for several years now so I didn't realise that the project was actually under construction. I shall be making a detour to see the progress at an early opportunity.

    To be quite honest to think they have provided any cycle parking is a bonus in my view.

