17 October 2010

In Argentina

I'm now in Argentina for a few months, updating the next edition of the Bradt Guide.

I've started an occasional blog at http://updatingargentina.blogspot.com

Buenos Aires has a few cycle lanes, and you do see a handful of intrepid ciclistas threading their way through the cut and thrust of the New-York-style traffic mayhem.

But in the world's sixth-largest country, I don't think I'll be doing much getting around on two wheels...


  1. Welcome back - I look forward to your insights!

  2. Second that Welcome back,perhaps a few Pictures and Comments as Regards the Cycling Scene in Argentina every so often.

    You could always buy an Old Crock of a Bike for getting around the City of Buenos Aries while you are staying there to see what it is like.

  3. I've missed you, pleased you're OK. Keep popping back please!

  4. Hey there,

    Hope you're having a great time in Argentina. Just thought I'd mention that your post a while back where you crossed as many of London bridges in a day inspired us. Check out our blog for more info:


    And visit the blog and contact us to find out more about Spokeys!


  5. ive realy enjoyed reading your blog its one of the things that incouraged me to start my own!

  6. Wow! Sounds like a pretty cool place to be. Somewhere that I may plan to visit in future I think.
